Honorable Mention / 2024 / Nature / Trees


The Paradise Tree is par of my "Paradise Tree series". Was taken during a night walk session around my favorite city park, and contains the main subjects that motivate my photographic practice nowadays: my love for nature photography, as a way to express inner states, trees specially, the capture of light atmosphere at night, the visual poetry and the japanese haikus, and wandering as a contemplative and a aesthetic practice, that allows me to cultivate a state of inner spaciousness and awe at the beauty of the scenes that may arise on a night walk through the park.

Julia Casesnoves (Valencia, 1974), began her studies at the Institut dÉstudis Fotografics of Catalunya in Barcelona, culminating with the Master in Professional Photography at the EFTI school in Madrid. From very early, her practice is oriented towards experimentation and the search for a universe of her own. Relocated in Valencia she collaborates with different cultural and exhibition projects. She worked in different areas of comercial photography: architecture, press, social...but in recent years she dedicate herself full-time to work and market her personal project of fine art photography.