Honorable Mention / 2024 / Portraiture / Self-Portrait


Self-portrait with sunflower from the market.

I’m a visual artist based in the Netherlands. My practice is composed of photography through the method of surrealist-self portraiture. I use myself as a model to evoke emotions, seek to highlight different characters by applying my own body as a vehicle of expression. For me, it’s all about finding a visual representation of my feelings, what emotionally moves me and then it stirs the emotions of the viwer as well. Leaving a trace of myself to the world and maybe someone else can find themself in my work too.

Awards Prizes
2022 Monochrome Photography Awards - Honorable Mention – Spain
2022 Tokyo International Foto Awards - Honorable Mention – Japan
2022 Chromatic Awards - Honorable Mention - United States
2022 New York Photography Awards- Silver winner- New York, United States
2022 New York Photography Awards- Gold winner- New York, United States
2022 IMACRES Awards - Honorable Mention
2021 Luxembourg Art Prize- Encouragement from the Members of the Artistic Commission- Luxembourg
2017 Timisoara Drawing Biennale - Honorable Mention - Timisoara, Romania
2017 TDK, – graphics category - 1. place- Szeged, Hungary
2016 TDK – graphics category - 1. place- Szeged, Hungary
2015 TDK graphics category - 2.place- Szeged, Hungary
2015 Dante’s Peak Illustration- 3. place- Szeged, Hungary

Solo Exhibitions
2019 Bodies / Róka Festival - Ludas, Serbia
2017 Képeim / Somogyi Károly City and County Library, Szeged, Hungary

Group Exhibitions
2021 Flourescent / Capital culture house, Virtual group exhibition, Madrid, Spain
2019 Group exhbition / Raichle Ferenc park, Szabadka, Serbia
2018 Otpvrmuzeum / Museum Of Fine Arts, virtual exhibition, Budapest, Hungary
2018 Diploma Exhibition / Department of Drawing and Art History, szeged, Hungary
2017 Timisoara drawing Biennale / Art Encounters Foundation, Timisoara, Romania
2017 Opening Exhibition / Tiszatáj szalon, Szeged, Hungary
2017 National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference OTDK, Nick Galery, Pécs, Hungary
2016 Institute of Art Conference / Department of Drawing and Art History, Szeged, Hungary
2015 National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference OTDK participation,Budapest, Hungary
2015 Institute of Art Conference / Department of Drawing and Art History, Szeged, Hungary
2013 Palicsi Library / Palicsi Library, Palic, Serbia
2013 TAKT Artistsí’ colony / TAKT Artistsí’ colony, Temerin, Serbia