Honorable Mention / 2024 / Fine Art / Other

True or False

My inspiration comes from a famous quote from Shakespeare: “All the world is a stage, and all the men and women only actors.” Also, my series “Fake or True?” » is interested in the play of truth and falsehood, reality and illusion. It’s a real game where we question the real and the simulated. Also, I question urban landscapes that resemble theater stages. We can doubt their size, their material, the light that illuminates them and their materiality.

I have been an author photographer since 2021, after having been an amateur photographer and collector of 19th century photos for a long time. I have thus published 2 art books on 19th century photography ("Shashin", Phébus edition, 2008 & "Sûra", Phébus edition, 2012).
As an author photographer I work in series with the intention of publishing books and exhibiting my work.

Awards PX3 2022 - State of the world - Official Selection
TIFA 2022 - Official Selection