Honorable Mention / 2024 / Special / Street Photography


Two shadows. Many questions.
Is the shadow with the hat the photographer's? Or someone else's? Who is the woman whose shadow enters the frame? Is there a relationship between the woman and the man who cast their shadows?
What story does the viewer imagine?

Born in Lisbon but since 1983 Vasco Trancoso lives in the city of Caldas da Rainha - Portugal. A gastroenterologist that, after retirement, resumed an old passion asleep: Photography. At the end of 2014, to begin making photography in public places. During 2015/2016, his photographic "voice" has changed and his work has been "in colors”. Since then, he has been fascinated to discover the magic of light in the urban kaleidoscope mainly when fragments of colors emerge between deep shadows. A way of seeing through the primacy of aesthetic choices, geometries and the elaboration of contrasts.