Honorable Mention / 2024 / Nature / Flowers

Poppy - a sign of fleeting life

The poppy is a symbol of memory of those killed in the wars for freedom and independence. It symbolizes a drop of blood... When this beautiful flower blooms in the summer, every morning I go out to the meadows and admire... This fragile flower lives for one day... There has been a war in my country for two years... A lot of blood and tears have been shed ... On Remembrance Day we hang a poppy brooch on our clothes... And we believe in our Victory!

I am a journalist. I live in the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. I really like to photograph nature and people. I observe how the climate changes. I have three children. I had my own business, a children's store, where there were beautiful clothes and shoes. When the war started in my country, it was very difficult to do business, since many mothers and children became refugees. I am currently studying at the Kyiv School of Photography and I want to develop in this field.

Awards Honorable mention