Honorable Mention / 2024 / Fine Art / Landscape

Vivarium humanicum ingens

A vivarium is a small facility for keeping terrestrial and aquatic animals.
The Vivarium humanicum ingens consists of 36 glass segments surrounding a dormitory. They are arranged in such a way that they keep the bushes growing uninhibitedly behind them in check towards the street and at the same time this combination turns outwards like a fortress. Roots grow upwards, the glass is maltreated by the plants, weather conditions and people who leave their mark on it. The people living behind this naturally constructed wall cannot be seen, disappearing into the thicket of the vivarium wall.

- born 1964
- takes pictures since 20 years
- in 2009 turn to artistic photography
- exhibitions and different projects since 2009

Awards Various recognitions and exhibitions, for example:
Wiesbaden Photo Days, solo exhibition
Hoepfner Foundation, group exhibition,
PX3 Gold Medal,
Renaissance Photography Prize London, group exhibition
Hoepfner Foundation, Award Winner 2021
Finalist Yicca Art Prize, Rome, 2022/ 23
Finalist Arte Laguna Prize, Venice, 2022/ 2023