Honorable Mention / 2024 / Fine Art / Architecture

Dusseldorf Theater

The Dusseldorf Theater was completed in 1969 according to plans by the Düsseldorf architect Bernhard Pfau. It thus counts among the post-war modernist buildings.

Stefan Lindner lives and works in Dresden, Germany. As a graduate engineer for furniture construction, he manufactured furniture in the Bauhaus style for a long time. Their straightness and functionality inspired him as a self-taught photographer since the late 90s to photograph modern architecture. Here it is the clearly structured facades of concrete, steel and glass that inspire him to design the photos in black and white, and in which he also often likes to abstract. In doing so, he tries to find the perspective that emphasizes the uniqueness of the building through detailed planning.

Awards 2021
FAPA - Fine Art photography Awards, Honorable Mention Winner
Prix de la Photographie Paris, Honorable Mention Winner

Prix de la Photographie Paris, Honorable Mention Winner
ND Awards, Honorable Mention Winner
Monochrome Photography Awards, Honorable Mention Winner