Honorable Mention / 2023 / Nature / Wildlife

Thundering Behemoths

  • Photographer
    Ethan Zhao, Hong Kong

Amidst the untamed expanse of the wilderness, two rhinoceroses collide with unyielding might, their impact reverberating through the air. A rare glimpse into the world of primal forces, dust swirls, hooves clash, and the earth trembles, bearing witness to the ancient dance of dominance. Amidst the chaos, a profound harmony emerges, a testament to the intricacies of life, where the extraordinary interplay of strength and harmony of nature unfolds in magnificent splendor.

This photo was, to me, a glimpse into the primal essence that permeates our world, a rare scene to stumble across.

Student. Fuelled passion for exploring new horizons through traveling, conservational efforts, paleontology, and Wildlife. Student Head for Sustainable Development and UN Global Goals at current school. Unwavering love for the elegance that this planet beholds.