Honorable Mention / 2023 / Fine Art / Other


What shapes people and makes them become the person they are? What develops us further? What frightens, challenges or unsettles us? What makes us grow? Emotionally, personally, in dealing with our fellow human beings? EGO is an ongoing series that Patrick Betthaus started for the first time in a long time with digital photographic equipment in December 2022 and in which he himself is the subject.

Patrick Betthaus ( née Opierzynski) was born in 1989 in Kamen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and is a awarded black-and-white photographer. Already in his youth he photographed with a small digital camera and went in search of the most diverse motifs.

In the meantime, his photographic focus is on black-and-white photography. With it he tries to escape the fast pace of everyday life and to convey a feeling of calm, deceleration and balance to the viewer. While he initially photographed digitally, Patrick Betthaus now works exclusively with analog medium format equipment.