Honorable Mention / 2023 / Nature / Sunrise / Sunset


  • Photographer
    Zlati Zlatev, Bulgaria
  • Instagram

Adrift on the breath of the wind, a vibrant hot air balloon slices through the azure expanse, encapsulating humanity's timeless desire to explore, to ascend, and to understand the world from new perspectives.⁠

The balloon, in its myriad colors, stands as a beautiful contrast against the infinite canvas of the sky. This is more than just a journey; it's a dance with the elements, a testament to our thirst for adventure, and a tribute to the spirit of discovery that propels us towards the heavens.⁠

I'm a passionate photographer hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Bulgaria. My lens is my tool for storytelling, and I specialize in capturing the beauty of the world through three distinct lenses: landscapes, underwater realms, and the untamed wildlife. I find inspiration in the diverse natural beauty that surrounds me, from the rugged mountains to the serene underwater worlds and the incredible biodiversity of wildlife.
Through my photography, I aspire to do more than just capture moments; I aim to create change.