Honorable Mention / 2023 / Press / Feature Story

80 East End Road

In North London, Leo Baeck College, founded in 1956 as a symbol of both Progressive Judaism and Jewish survival, is the only seminary with a fully validated training rabbinic programme whose classes consist of male and female-identifying rabbinical candidates. Women, alongside men, are studying both sacred books and classical legal texts and responding knowledgeably to questions that inform practice.
For nearly 2,000 years, the position of rabbi was limited to men. The integration of women into the rabbinate began at Leo Baeck College in 1967, although none had been graduated until 1975.

Fiorella Baldisserri, is a photographer from Bologna.With classical studies and interest in art in all its forms, she feels very close to reportage, which allows her to observe people, enter stories and tell them through images, investigating herself.
Isabella Franceschini is an Italian freelance photographer, graduated in Economics from Bologna University.Her long-term projects on documentary photography are mainly inspired by human experience. Her interest of the world is drawn towards its people. She wants to celebrate the ordinary things that happen around the world all the time

Awards Fiorella Baldisserri AWARDS

2021. 17TH JULIA MARGARET CAMERON AWARD FOR WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS | Honorable Mention | Documentary Series | Cracking the Monolith
2021. PHODAR BIENNALE | Finalista e Mostra al Museo di storia Socialista | Morris il cinemaio
2021. ITALY PHOTO AWARD | Finalist | Italian Collection | Morris il cinemaio
2021. TIFA | Gold | Editorial General News | Morris il cinemaio
2021. KOLGA TIBLISI | Short List | Reportage | Morris il cinemaio
2021. FOTOGRAFIA ETICA | Spazio Freedom | Esposizione | Morris il cinemaio
2021. MIFA | Silver | Editorial General News | Morris il cinemaio
2021. ROMA FOTOGRAFIA – CALL FREEDOM | Primo premio | Videomostra | Palazzo Merulana | Morris
2021. ND | Onorable Mention | Editorial General News | A-Round Stage
2021. MUSA FOTOGRAFIA PER LE DONNE FOTOGRAFE | Primo posto | Morris il cinemaio
2021. IPA | 1st place winner | Contemporary Issues | Morris il cinemaio
2020. CORTONA ON THE MOVE | Covid Visual Project 19 | Coi Loro occhi
2020. LENS CULTURE ART PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS | Selected | Drops in New York
2021. ASA PROJECT | Storie di resistenza | Terzo posto | Open call | Morris il cinemaio
2017. BOLOGNA DESIGN WEEK | Finalista

Isabella Franceschini AWARD

2021. 17th J.M.Cameron Award | Honorable Mention | Cracking the monolith
2021. MIFA | Silver Award | Pink Hop-land
2020. BIFA | Bronze Winner | Fine-Art-Other | ( the garden )

2020. ItalyPhotoAward | Finalist | Italian Collection | Lodi 2020 | (the garden )
2020. IPA | Honorable Mention | People | Self-Portrait | ( the garden )
2020. PX3 | Silver Award | Portraiture | A collective unconsciousness
2020. ItalyPhotoAward | Finalist | Italian Collection IMP 2020 | Becoming a citizen
2020. MIFA | Honorable Mention| Portraiture | Children | Becoming a
2019. ItalyPhotoAward | Finalist | Italian Collection Lodi 2019 | Becoming a citizen
2019. PX3 |Paris | Silver Award | Portraiture | Children | Becoming a citizen