Honorable Mention / 2023 / Nature / Sunrise / Sunset

Sasso Lungo at sunrise

  • Photographer
    Zlati Zlatev, Bulgaria
  • Instagram

Sasso Lungo at sunrise! The pink and purple clouds blend seamlessly with the rugged peaks of the rock, creating a stunning vista that takes your breath away. As the sun starts to peek over the horizon, its warm rays light up the very tips of the mountain, while the valley below is shrouded in a mystical veil of fog.

I'm a passionate photographer hailing from the picturesque landscapes of Bulgaria. My lens is my tool for storytelling, and I specialize in capturing the beauty of the world through three distinct lenses: landscapes, underwater realms, and the untamed wildlife. I find inspiration in the diverse natural beauty that surrounds me, from the rugged mountains to the serene underwater worlds and the incredible biodiversity of wildlife.
Through my photography, I aspire to do more than just capture moments; I aim to create change.