Honorable Mention / 2023 / Fine Art / Other


This photographic project is inspired by the film The Last Temptation of Christ by Martin Scorsese, based on the homonymous novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, and also on the Book The Gospel According to Jesus Christ by José Saramago. Also, it is taken as a great inspiration the work of Caravaggio, abandoning the idea of ​​representing the saints linked to traditional Catholic iconography and portraying them, instead, in a way much more mundane, everyday and human: the saints as beggars, the virgins like prostitutes etc.

Photographer and Art Director from Colombia, lives and works in Madrid Spain.

I am passionate about art in all its expressions, especially cinema and music, for this reason my work has a versatile artistic approach, but achieving a balance between the conceptual, functional and aesthetic.

“Photography has become the quintessential art of affluent, wasteful, restless societies.”Susan Sontag.