Honorable Mention / 2022 / Architecture / Interior

The last confession

«The last confession» is a series of photos of the places of worship in France and Italy that have been abandoned. Buildings with impressive architectures often present for decades and decades, reign on our earth. The interior remains a real architectural spectacle filled with details, paintings but above all with emotion frozen in time.

The time has come for nature to reclaim these rights, creating vegetation soil, cracks and mold all over the buildings. This is the tragic end of these places, once a gathering place, that no longer attracts anyone…

The last confession has indeed arrived.

Anthony Sala, explorer for more than four years. He frequently travels to France and Italy in search of forgotten heritage. Its objective is to propose to the general public photographs of a heritage abandoned by Man where nature gradually takes back these rights.

Awards APA Annual Photography Awards – 2nd place winner, Architecture (2021)