Honorable Mention / 2022 / Nature / Wildlife

Me, Me, Pick Me

This chipmunk was sleeping on the rock and I knew that sooner or later he would have to wake up. I've waited over 2 hours behind the same bush hoping he would wake up. When He did wake up he started to stretch up and in the sequence of the images I have of him this one is the one you can see all the little nails and fingers

Simone Amaduzzi was born in Bologna, Italy. His passion for photography has developed over time, thanks to the artistic inheritance of His dad, Daniele; Simone's relationship with the camera keeps growing deeper because of his work experience with one of the most prestigious Nature and Wildlife magazine.This experience influenced His work as He now constantly looks for that single, most ouching detail that will inspire both, he and those who enjoy His photos. Simone is also exhibiting His art all around the world and teaching other amateur photographers what does it takes to get the right shot