Honorable Mention / 2021 / Portraiture / Self-Portrait

Where is my Beauty?

  • Photographer
    Paola Ruvioli, Italy

If I could suddenly close my eyes and fly above the clouds, free to express who and what I am, would I be able to say that I have found my true nature? Could I say that I am happy?
“Where is my beauty?” is a photographic project born from of the need to describe my inner self, while tracing the journey towards rediscovering my true essence.
These images reveal the my personal conflict between emotionality and rationality, in an attempt to describe the feelings that arise from being in the middle, poised between two between two worlds, waiting for an inner change.

My work focuses on the intimate relationship between individuals, and their unique psychological perspective in the worlds we inhabit, with particular sensitivity to human behavior. My images investigate the myriad sensations and perceptions encountered in our daily surroundings, with the intention of reflecting back more acutely to viewers their emotionally resonant potential.By referencing specific moods viewers are inspired to revisit sensations and passages into parallel realities typical of the world of dreams and their interpretation, creating emotional pathways that attempt to reveal...