Honorable Mention / 2019 / Portraiture / Culture


  • Photographer
    Santo D, Italy

The Good Friday Procession is the peak of the Easter rites in Enna. In the streets of the city, all ups and downs and winding alleys, around 2,500 hooded confreres parade in silence, guarded with torches and candles to illuminate the path suggestively. In addition to the Ennesis, many devotees and tourists come to the city to watch the great procession. It is no coincidence, that of the Good Friday of Enna is considered a sacred event with an international tourist appeal and the Holy Week of Enna is a well protected by UNESCO.

I am Santo D'olica, I am an amateur photographer, I have been shooting for 4 years, I like immortal special events related to my territory, Sicily, I also enjoy photographic studio projects