/ 2018 / Portraiture / Other_P


  • Photographer
    Leah B Denbok, Canada
  • Studio
  • Instagram

When we met Nathan he was sitting in front of a store on Yonge
Street, a mere 30 metres across the road from the massive Eaton
Centre, North America’s busiest mall with almost 50 million
visitors a year—more than Disneyland and Walt Disney World
combined. In stark contrast, Nathan appeared a lonely and forlorn
figure. As I stood and watched him, crowds of people filed past
him, seemingly oblivious to his existence.

Nathan has lived in Toronto all of his life—all 68 years of it.
His mother, who is 85, also lives in Toronto, though his father
died a long time ago. He has a sister who also lives in Toronto,
though he has no contact with her. When asked if the people he
meets on the street are friendly to him, he replied with a simple,


Awards eee.