/ 2018 / Fine Art / Nudes

Man in nature

Undisguised humanity in nature. Isn´t it abstract, that it is unnatural in
our society to be naked in nature? For a year I ask myself this question.
I think there could not be a more natural sight. But it does not always
feel good to be in the wild without the protection of clothing. The
pictures show the expression of pride or strength, but also of
weakness or suffering. One can sometimes feel very small and
insignificant in the face of nature.

Wolfgang Steiner was born in 1977 in Austria, where he lives and works today. The photographer with masters degree is certificated by the Federation of European professional Photographers. He primarily devotes himself to conceptual and contemporary photography.

Awards HONORABLE MENTION WINNER OF PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris
Wolfgang Steiner of Austria was Awarded Honorable Mention in the PX3 2018 Competition.
Paris, France
Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) announces winners of PX3 2018 competition.
Wolfgang Steiner of Austria was Awarded Honorable Mention in Nudes category for the entry entitled, " Man in nature ." The jury selected winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.