/ 2017 / Advertising / Fashion

Fashion Backside

What is fashion?
Fashion is beauty, Fashion is Perfection, Fashion is Woman, Fashion
is Business, Fashion is Sex, Fashion is everything people want to
have in their life. But Fashion for me is job and fashion is reality of
life. Fashion is the other side of the society. Fashion is an hard work
where people take connection and shear their life in silence to
realize dreams from real hard work. Backside of fashion is my
perspective of fashion world. As in a successful music hit the side B
of the LP is something better than the hit and the backstage and the
backside of the fashion world is the real human richness of the
plastic side A, but you have to listen so accurately before
understand it . Nevertheless when you understand it you really
understand the meaning of Fashion.

All mages has been taken during the Milan Fashion Weeks

Awards Finalist Tpoty 2015
Honor Mention Still Life Exposure award 2015
4/3 Day Contest 2016 winner about wide angle
Laureat 2017 World photo contest Magazine Photo.fr
Honorable Mention PX3 2017
Finalist Tpoty 2017
Honorable Mention IPA 2018
Silver Medal PX3 2018
Honorable Mention MIFA 2020
Honorable Mention PX3 2020