/ 2017 / Portraiture / Other_P

Portrait of an Apparition

India has too many people. In the city of Kolkata, one of the densest
cities in the world, almost 30,000 people live per square kilometer and
hence, there are bound to be clashes.

Here, life is survival. Slowly the life is sucked out of you until only an
apparition remains.

Breathing, surviving, trying to return to the mortal realm. But alas they
are stuck somewhere else.

The portraits of the series are all flash portraits. All are non-staged and
taken before the person being photographed could react. It is the
sinister portrait of a person caught with its true state peering through
the eye before the garb of social convention clouded its nakedness.

Awards Awards:
2016: 3rd Annual Emami Chisel Art award for Photography, Kolkata, India
2011: Birla Academy of Art & Culture 44th Annual Show “New Medium” Award Winner, Kolkata, India

1990s to now: Fine Art Photographer

2008: Started professional archival printing & scanning company named “Old gravity”.