/ 2017 / Portraiture / Children

The Children of Burma

  • Photographer
    My name is Gatsby Moellhausen. I am 16 years old and photography is a passion of mine. I've always loved to observe it and practice it. Being so young, I am certainly a more novice photographer compared to others. Nonetheless, I have recently started to really dedicate my self to my photography. This February, I went to Burma with the mission to capture "the soul and spirit of Burma's ancestral land and culture". I particularly enjoy and like to practice a more artistic form of "humanitarian documentary photography"., Mexico

This series is a selection of photos of the magically pure children of Burma. Experiencing
the incredible energy and light from these children was truly amazing. Each and every
child I met had his/her unique characteristics, interesting background, or story. For
example, I met the boy in photo number 3 under a tree on a hill on top of lake. He ran
away from his village (which was on the side of the lake). I comforted him while he was
crying. The only thing that cheered him up was to see the camera I had in my hands. I
showed him how it worked by taking a photo of him and he loved it. In playing with him, I
managed to gain his trust and he allowed me to carry him down to the village where I found
his very worried mother. Every photo has a story behind it.