Honorable Mention / 2016 / Fine Art / Other_FA

I Put on My Rib And Collarbone

Beauty anchors us to our humanity; it acts as the balance between
reality and fantasy. Our experience of the world is not static; it is a
compilation of layers. Maturing over time, we add layers upon
layers, becoming ridged, but never finite. An inquiry into the
existential questions of our reality, identity, and beliefs lead us to
examine layers of significant transition. When we passed from the
known to the unknown, this time is described by many as a
sensation of floating, being disconnected from their reality. My
work contrasts this daedalean journey with figurative photographs,
the subject disconnected from the ground signifying their
transforming reality. Each composition is selected to be neutral,
that sliver of space between positive and negative. Allowing the
works abstract quality to be informed by the viewer, recreating a
singular struggle with our emotions — an experience we all share.

I am an underwater photographer.

And I knew it the first time I dove-in over a decade ago.

I discovered the power of underwater photography, honing my skills to create a refuge for complex emotions.

My photos have been exhibited and collected worldwide—unraveling the depths of desires and feelings beneath the surface.

I'm excited to share Underwater Somatic Portraiture, an experience that offers freedom from gravity and provides space for expression, nurturing, and freedom.