/ 2016 / Press / Feature Story

The City of Flies

  • Photographer
    Riccardo Bononi, Italy
  • Studio
    Prospekt Photographers

Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar, is home to one of the largest
dumpsites of the African continent, operative since the ‘60s . The
dumpsite, which now covers over 45 acres and is still expanding,
receives between 350 and 550 tons of new waste each day. Fire
burns endlessly in the midst of the hills of garbage, which can
reach up to 15 meters in height, and the unnatural landscape is
constantly imbued with a toxic fog.
Around 3000 people currently live and work here, collecting
plastic (sold for 0,05 $/ Kg) and metals (0,50 $/Kg). Many of them
came to Antananarivo hoping to find better living conditions and
fortune, now they live in one of the place on Earth with more
unreported cases of pneumonic plague, the most infective type of
the so called Black Death.
Residents of the capital commonly refer to this place as “Ralalitra”:
the City of Flies.

Awards Best Photographer of the Year - Professional sport Category - Sony World Photography Awards 2015