Honorable Mention / 2016 / Nature / Wildlife

Elephant drinking scene

  • Photographer
    Ramona Reichert, Switzerland
  • Studio

A herd of elephants was gathering at the Tarangire River in
Tanzania. Standing with our car on a bridge we observed the
scene. Adult elephants were drinking, calves laying down in the
water and playing with each other. Beside suckling at their mother,
elephant calves drink water. Young elephants have to learn to
coordinate the more than 300 muscles of their trunk before they
are able to use it for drinking. Until they master their trunk, they
have to help themselves getting their mouth down to the water
level. Elephant calves are in so many ways like human children:
they are a long time dependent on their mother and live in strong
family bonds. They love playing in the water, climbing on and
arguing with each other. Elephants are compassionate animals and
mourn their deceased family members for a long time - a
humanlike species worth to be protected from poaching.

moyophotography - "moyo" is the swahili word for heart. Swahili is spoken in various countries in East Africa like Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Ramona Reichert and Ivo Schemionek are moyophotography. Since their trip to Namibia in 2010, Africa has conquered their hearts. Another trip to Botswana followed and the hunger for the untouched wilderness and the adventures grew even bigger. In 2013 they travelled to East Africa to see the Great Migration of wildebeest and zebras. In the trans-bordering ecosystem of Massai Mara and Serengeti they fell in love with the vast plains and the fascinating wildlife of Kenya and Tanzania.