Honorable Mention / 2016 / Fine Art / Abstract

Lost Alphabet

  • Photographer
    Anna Heydel, Italy

Lost Alphabet

The conceptual work Lost Alphabet is based on the idea of the beauty, the absurdity and
the power of arbitrariness. This series of five pictures (signs) recombines the same
eighteen images five times by freely finding new relations between their photographic
fragments; in this way the form of each sign changes.

The idea of this project is to visualize the potential to recompose apparent logics and
see, what other visual signs arise. The Lost Alphabet presents structures that hold inside
the possibility and impulse to change into another at any second. In the end it is the
hidden face of signs of every imaginable language and other framing movements that seem to
be so firm. This project’s movements are therefor not only symbolic but a visual
reapropiation - shifting frames and pronouncing as yet unspoken signs: this is the impulse
that created the work.