Honorable Mention / 2016 / Book (series Only) / Fine Art


  • Photographer
    Li Sun, United States

Accompanied by a documentary-style roaming, four strangers launch an
exploratory journey of the city. The characters take us through the urban
landscapes, including skyscrapers, streets full of surveillance, narrow public
transportation facilities, and shopping malls with mass production of cheap goods,
Bauhaus style hotels and apartments, and so on. The thirst for efficiency makes a
lot of space become compressed. We live in a huge steel concrete jungle, instead
of the function-oriented high-tech residences alleged by the modernist designers.
The city is covered with invisible eyes which turn the city into a huge Panopticon. I
hope that my work will make people think about some pathological features of the
city. The city has given us opportunity, efficiency and technology, but have we lost
as much? If the wheels of the era must move forward, our future is bright, but in
my opinion, we still need to cherish what we have lost.