/ 2016 / Press / General News

On the Edge

  • Photographer
    Kamel Moussa, Belgium

Tunisian youth has been in the spotlight lately for the important
part they took into the 2011 Tunisian Revolution and also because
of their massive clandestine departure towards Europe.

In their quest for success and respect, they madly dream of escape
and freedom to the point of jumping into the Mediterranean, a
motherly yet sometimes deadly sea.

The youth has been deprived from many basic rights during
dictatorship years but now feels lost despite its newly found

Young Tunisians I have met are deeply troubled by the social,
economical and political transformation their country is going

They sometimes don’t know who they really are. It makes them at
risk of manipulation.

They are a part of a big picture, a picture way bigger than

They sometimes end up trying to navigate between little tricks and
life uncertainties.

Awards Sélection officielle de mon projet " On the Edge" dans le cadre des Rencontres Photographiques de Montpelier 2016.