Honorable Mention / 2015 / Book Proposal (series Only) / Fine Art


  • Photographer
    Anil Bolukbas, China

Society solicits that women are decorative only affirming the notion that women are infact
objectified. As we can see at domestic life, marketing, literature, etc. its all always
referenced a woman's composure & beauty while a men's stature and masculinity is often

Aesthetically speaking, we are using aesthetic materials on our domesticlife. And these
kind of aesthetic materials draws inspiration from female body type. Cause of more people
like softness, curves and smoothness, and these are more prevalent in the female body
type. And we tried proof it as a lambheader. I used try to make really simple poses with
very simple setup.

After finished high school education in Turkey, i decided to go China for my engineering bachelor degree.

Awards anilbolukbas.com