Honorable Mention / 2015 / Press / Feature Story

Parallel world

  • Photographer
    Mirko Pieruccioni, Italy

Seemingly a world made only of perversion, intrusiveness and money;
but deep down a life built to escape poverty, to regain dignity.
Some trans begin their journey since their youth. In some cases,
families provide them hormones because they are well aware of the
gains that a trans can bring home.
Attracted by the possibility of faster and more money they decide to
move abroad. Italy is the favorite destination, where the business of
sex is very active. In particular, the area of Migliarino (Pisa) serves as
a crossroads.
The 'Caffettina', a trans pimp, allows many trans migrate from Brazil
and towards who trans have a debt of about € 12,000. Earnings of
prostitution have to be assigned to the 'Caffettina' until full payment of
the debt. During this period leaving Italy is not permitted, and if do not
pay the original debt, relatives in Brazil are likely to be killed. Trans
also pay a one-off of € 5,000 for the place where whoring.
The accommodation is usually found by the ‘Caffettina’ and shared
with other trans.
The prostitution market is profitable for all those turn around. There
are people who work as taxi driver and carry the trans to the street;
others provide on-site food and alcohols.
Most of the money the trans earn is spent on alcohol and drugs.
Cocaine is a dependency for most of them, and it is used to bear many
hours of work.
Even if they have finished to pay their initial debt trans are not free,
because dependency of drugs and alcohol force them to go on with
Lots of people pretend not to see this parallel world that appears
during the night, although often go to visit it, feeding this mechanism
of sex drugs and alcohol.