Honorable Mention / 2015 / Fine Art / Other_FA


  • Photographer
    Enzo Fratalia, Italy

With the project Stenipnotica (pun between "stenopeica" - the italian word for "pinhole" -
and "hypnotic") I tried to represent a generation incapable of imagining the future,
mesmerized by the memories and emotionally caged in the world of childhood. In short, a
generation suspended.
The pinhole technique has proved to be the more functional to intents expressive of the
project. I quickly found congenial this filter can immerse in the imprecision, in the
indefiniteness, in the "dirt" of memories.
The series consists of triptychs of photos encased in a frame from super 8 film, as if
they were frames from a movie. Each image represents a fragment of the sequence, a
sequence in a sense "impossible" given the long exposure times typical of photography but
not movies, and yet possible in the world of dreams and memories.
Both reconstructions only, after all.

Awards I'm a freelance photographer and videomaker based in Sicily.
My short films won a lot of awards and praises at several international festivals.
My works are focused on the experimental and conceptual photography, reportage and street photography.
With 4 Gold Awards, I won the first prize in the category "Ricerca" (Experimental) to FIOF AWARDS 2010.