/ 2014 / Press / Travel/Tourism

Good Morning, Day!

  • Photographer
    RAQUEL FINOL, United States
  • Studio

Everyday we awake alive is a gift much appreciated to the
maximum; and if one must repress to slumber, for what it’s worth,
it allows one the chance to admire the beautiful day ahead.

She born in Maracaibo, Venezuela in November 1963 and she graduate in La Universidad del Zulia (L.U.Z.) as an architect in April 1989.
Raquel Finol exercised her profession during the 1990-2006 period, in the government of the Zulia state, in the department of Public Works of the state, where she worked as an works project inspector.
She included in her job her art through paintings, sculptures and logos that which garnered her many recognitions to her abilities in design.
Her art has recreated the vista of those who admire for her talent to express happiness, equilibrium, serenity and peace that she wishes to transmit to every human being.
Having won different types of awards and recognitions, Raquel emigrated to The United States in 2006, due to political problems in her country and interrupts her development of one of her passions: the photography.
In 2014 takes the decision to publicize their art.
Her passion to the art is innate and recognized for her evocative way of living, filled with beautiful contrasts, colors and emotions. Each work of art reflects a reality to be conveyed and share with a society immersed in a negative world that has forgotten the existence of a simplicity that does not damage and transmits positivism ...
Her humble contact with the people allowed her to create without frontiers, for which she decides in june 2014 introduce her work and participate for the first time in a photography contests.