/ 2014 / Press / Political

How Huge Monster Are U but We Never Scared.

It's death of democracy without freedom of press.
Taiwanese are against media monopoly from WWCT(Want Want
China Times)and we are in favor of free press.

Cause democracy is root of Taiwan.

Thousands of journalists, students, academics and social activists at
2012/11/29 took to the streets in Taipei to protest against
monopolization of the media and demanded that the National
Communications Commission (NCC) help break monopolization of the

Want Want China Times tried to set an example by smearing Huang
Kuo-chang to intimidate others. That's why it crosses the line so as to
deliver the message that those who were against it would vanish.
Newspaper, TV and paparazzi joined force to attack and harass, this is
power of media mafia, isn't it?

I don't care if the China Times’ boss is pro-China or famous or
wealthy. All these are not the real issue. But when a newspaper
attacked a scholar and a student for two consecutive days, it has
betrayed the principle of free speech.

We demand NCC to defend a democracy that protect diversity,
journalistic autonomy and press freedom. You are not corporates and
political parties’ tools. The monopoly of the cable network would
destroy press freedom and media workers’ rights. So far NCC has not
figured out any strategy to deal with the situation. Instead it allows the
media giant WWCT to grow. The NCC should introduce an anti-media
monopoly law.

Born in Taipei, Taiwan

Awards / 2014 / Book / People
Be a Dominated Country.