/ 2014 / Press / Feature Story

Home Store-ies

  • Photographer
    Zinkie Aw, Singapore

The room that we like to keep out of sight.

Some storerooms shed light on a global issue like city-living --
partly a microcosm of what it means to live in one of the world's
top 5 most densely-populated countries, Singapore, where land
is scarce and majority of the population live in high-rise

On a national level, storerooms could be a metaphor for the
predicament of a trend towards a consumption culture, a so-
called 'first-world problem' that manifest in urban cultures: An
appetite for a society to consume and hold on to more than it

Lastly, through the articles and objects left in the storerooms,
we get a glimpse of the inhabitant(s) of a particular home, who
would utilise(s) excess storage space in various ways.

It is hoped that through these slice-of-life photographs of
'annonymous' storerooms in Singapore homes, one can put in
spotlight, inspect and reconsider the meaning of this 'alternate
space' that we take for granted in our urban homes.

Honorable Mentions in
Category: Deeper Perspective
Category: Lifestyle

> Px3 Prix De La Photographie Paris 2013 (Paris)
- PX3 2013 - Gold Winner - Entry: 'Worn-out Legacy', Children Category
(Chosen to exhibit in Px3 Prix de la Photographie Paris exhibition, Espace Dupon, Paris)

PX3 2013 - Silver Winner - Entry: 'Same Same but Different', Product Category, 2nd Place

PX3 2013 - Bronze Winner - Entry' Republic of Pulau Semakau', Other Category, 3rd Place

> KL Photo Awards 2013 (Kuala Lumpur)
Finalist, Portraits Category.