/ 2014 / Press / Nature/Environmental

Mines - Peru

  • Photographer
    Awards winning photographer, Nicolas Villaume is specialized in social and portrait photography in demanding environments worldwide. www.nicolasvillaume.com , France

Illegal and legal mines, in Peru, Ancash region.
Published in Americas Quarterly, 2013, for its special edition: “Natural resource extraction: the good, the bad and the ugly”.

Awards - TEDx talk: "Pictures for actions" - Lima, Peru 2013
- Selected winner of the 2013 Latin American Illustration and American Photography
- Performance Awards of Humanity Photo Awards 2013 | People category
- Chosen winner of the 2012 American Illustration and American Photography
- 3 Honorable Mentions in Editorial, Photoessay and Feature story | International Photography Award 2012
- 1st Prize | Portrait category | HPA Humanity Photo Award 2006
- 2nd Prize | People Category | International Photography Award 2008 NP