/ 2014 / Book (series Only) / People


  • Photographer
    Artist's statement: What is in the photos is what I think I see. – To observe – To document – To communicate – To warn – To take a stand Today, the political permeates most prac, Slovenia
  • Website

ATAVISM is a rare gem of a book in which every element from its size, hand-made binding and occasional use of semi-translucent paper stock work in perfect unison to establish meaning. The result is a delicate and tactile viewing experience that conjures up a sense of recollection as experience dissolving into history. It could not have been done better.
Tim Clark

Nothing is retouched. I photographed what i saw.

Artist statement:

- Observing
- Documenting
- Notifying
- Warning
- Declaring for

Political practice today occupies most of one's everyday life that an individual performs and produces and rarely asks for the source. This whole complex, which relate to the concept of political concern of the individual from birth until death, without this, (in most cases) even knowing it. All these practices and ideas that are in constant dispute, translated and assimilated into daily life of individuals through different areas and one of these is a photograph, and also the power of images that, in practice, politically incorrect, because only thus can the moral and ethical factor of reflection and awareness.