/ 2012 / Fine Art / Nudes


            1. A combining form denoting all, every, everywhere; as in omnipotent, all-powerful; omnipresent; omnivorous. 
         1. Something apparently seen but having no physical reality; a phantom or an apparition. Also called phantasma.
2. An illusory mental image.
3. In Platonic philosophy, objective reality as perceived and distorted by the five senses.

This project is meant to be consumed with your emotions, and not simply perceived with your sense organs. I wanted a transcendental meaning behind them; not only with the use of chromatics and aesthetics. But with my intended focus be on the philosophical theories, I wanted a â??subliminal compositionâ?? to create an under tow of messages to stress the strong influences of unconscious elements affecting and driving people's lives. With the creation of a strong undercurrent of incommunicable thoughts; this will be the stage for illuminating the subconscious intellect into absolute perception.

"the future will ever come to those who believe in it"