/ 2012 / Book (series Only) / People


"Faith" photo series took me six months to complete. Within that period I travelled around looking for churches, convents and monasteries. I tried to find the people who embodied the word of
God and I urged them to make a representative gesture that compiles their faith.

Born in Barcelona in 1967, actually is the city where I reside.
Receipt studies of photography in Institute of Catalunya's Photography Studios.
From always I have interested in photography, specially reports and portraits of current people,
I treat across my photos to create really beauty being an as aim as possible.
My articles are of social character but offering a vision different to which we are accustomed.

Founder in 2001 of the Association " Artistic Photographic SUBGRUP " like platform for the accomplishment of works and photographic exhibitions. I have realized numerous exhibitions in different cities of Spain like Madrid, Sevilla, Gijon, emphasizing those of Barcelona in the rooms likeâ�� Convent Sant Agust�­ â��, â��Casa Golferichs-Espai Francesc Catal�  Rocaâ��, â��Real Sociedad Fotograficaâ��, etc.
This year I was finalist of Leica Oskar Barnack Award and my work exposed in the Reencontres d'Arles meeting.
Actually I work in Catalunya Spanish Television like photograher.