/ 2012 / Fine Art / People_FA

Family Memorial Ceremony

Family Memorial Ceremony

This piece of work directly comes from my psychological experience of family and it is oneâ??s release of long time spiritual pressure. The process of its creation is also the process of my individual thinking.
In this work, the concept of family is generalized. It not only refers to family but also symbolizes some kind of solace. I peacefully confess before it and gain energy from the warmth of â??familyâ?? and recover my lost self-confidence. I also try to reconcile with my inner heart in order to shuffle off the long-distressing anxiety and the sense of unsafeness
It is a memorial ceremony, a spiritual sacrifice and cure.

Personal information
Name: Shen Linghao
Birth date: March 2, 1988
Birth place: Shanghai
Education: graduated from School of Fine Arts, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts

As for me, artistic creation is the best way to reconcile life and spirit. Life experiences and past memories are both important for my creation. In the process of creation, the conflict in mind and the delicacy in heart are completely expressed and reflected; in the end, they all try to come to harmony.

2011 Giant Cup Today National Art Students Annual Awards 2011---Qiu Zhijie Gold Award
2011 2011 Annual Awarded Artworks of Creative M50---Silver Award
2011 Epson new vision contest 2011---Photo highest Award
2011 Three Shadows Photography Award Finalists
Exhibition experience:
2009 The 12th Sea Level: Painting and Public Arts Group Exhibition, Shanghai
2009 Empire--Invented Travel, collaborated with creative group of Digital School,Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
exhibited at 99 Creative Center, Fine Arts College of Shanghai University
2009 Vasi Art Exhibition, launched by students of fine arts, China
exhibited at Factory 1933, Shanghai
2009 Photography Exhibition: Fresh Air---the Revival of Young Artists
exhibited at Whomhouse Club, Hangzhou
2010 It's Funny, Funny ---Comtemporary Art Exhibition
exhibited at Fei Comtemporary Art Center,Shanghai
2010 Exhibition of College Students Art & Design,Factory 1933,
2010 Pingyao International Photography Festival,
2010 Self-Control , Ciros Plaze, Shanghai
2011 Redline , shanghaimart , Shanghai
2011 the 2011Three Shadows Photography Award , Three Shadows Photography Art Centre ,Beijing
2011 Recurrent Shadows: Selected Works from the Three Shadows Photography Award 2008-2011 � He Xiangning Art Museum �Shenzhen
2011 Declaration of Independence:Giant Cup Today National Art Students Annual Awards 2011 �Today Art Museum �Beijing
2011 Pingyao International Photography Festival, Tu CangD, Pingyao
2011 NotAnotherLandscape Art Exhibition� EDGE Gallery�Hong Kong
2011 ChongQing youth art biennale� ChongQing Art museum�ChongQing
2011 2011 Annual Awarded Artworks of Creative M50 Exhibition� M-Art center�Shanghai