/ 2012 / Press / General News
Antonio Gibotta, Italy
According to recent polls, today's kids spend about 40 hours a week on the internet and video games.
The number of teenagers who use the Internet is gradually increased over time, up to 84, 7% of the population.
Social networks are the most visited sites, some of the teens say they use them not to lose touch with distant friends, notes that there are those who decided to break into the world of social networks on the web in order to build relationships and make new friends.
In the long run, however, leisure has become dependent, the adolescent can relate only via web. In fact, only a small part states that the use of the internet may endanger personal privacy. The regular use of these technologies leads progressively to a decline in school performance, withdrawal from any other activity, rebellion and bullying. It further confirms that the adults there is a lack of knowledge of the Internet world, and its rules of any risks, which is the source of the already mentioned attitude of "passive trust" towards their children.
Nato a Napoli, rappresentato dalla agenzia Controluce. Nel 2014 la National Geographic ha inserioto una fotografia nel libro "Stunning Photographs". Vincitore del POY ,World Press Photo, Magum Photography Awards, PDN PHOTO ANNUAL e 2°al SIPA AWARDS. Nel 2018 è al secondo posto della Sony Professional Competition e tra i cinque finalisti di W. Eugene Smith nella fotografia umanistica. Canon Ambassador
Awards 2015: Menzione D’Onore al Contest Americano "BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS" giuria presieduta da membri della Magnum, Contrasto, F.lli Alianti .
2015: Vincitore Assoluto al FIPA ” Fiof Italy International Photography Awards”.
2015: 1° Classificato al FIPA ” Fiof Italy International Photography Awards” nella categoria Storia.
2015 : Vincitore assoluto categoria “Storia” al FIPA ” Fiof Italy International Photography Awards”.
2015 : 2° Classificato categoria “Ritratto” al FIPA ” Fiof Italy International Photography Awards”.
2015 : 1° Classificato al “ Wedding Photographer of the Year 2015 ”
2015: 2° Classificato all’ 8th Annual International Color Awards tenutosi a Beverly Hills (USA).
2015: Nonorable Mention al International Photography Awards
2015 : Honorable Mention nella categoria Storyboard ottenuto al Siena International Photography Awards.
2016 : 3° Classificato al POY PICTURE OF THE YEAR INTERNATIONAL categoria Feature Picture Story
2016 : 1° Classificato al FIPA Italy International Photography Awards nella categoria Reportage
2016 : 1° Classificato al FIPA Italy International Photography Awards nella categoria Reportage Movie Awards
2016 : 2° Classificato al FIPA Italy International Photography Awards nella categoria Storia
2016 : Rientra tra le 21 storie multimediali esposte al 5th LUMIX Festival for Young Photojournalism in Germania
2016 : Finalista al World Report Aword
2016 : Honorable Mention nella categoria Storyboard al Siena International Photography Awards.
2017 :Second place at the World Press Photo Contest in the category People stories.
2017 : MAGNUM PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2017 Jurors’ Picks
2017 : Second Place at the Siena International Photography Award
2017 : Silver 2017 Press / Feature Story at the The Prix de la Photographie, Paris
2018 : FIOF International Photography Awards Vincitore Assoluto
2018 : Finalsit at W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography