/ 2012 / Nature / Other_N


tautologias especulares

Miguel Angel Nalda (Madrid 1963) started with his photographic activity –both professionally and artistically- in 1993. His professional path, specifically linked to advertisement, has been prestigiously rewarded; and his artistic concern exhibited in famous galleries.

Photography Masters Cup, USA: Nominee
One Eyeland Awards, India: Silver
Best Shots, U.K. Official selection
Gran Prix de la Découverte, Paris. Official selection
Hasselblad Masters awards,: Switzerland: Finalist
ipa (int´l photography awards), NYC: 1st Place Flowers – Gold
PX3 (Prix de la Photographie), Paris: Silver
International Color Awards, USA: Nominee
ND Awards, UK: Honorable Mention
Black & White Spider Awards, UK: Nominee
One Eyeland Awards, India: Bronze