/ 2010 / Fine Art / Collage

Soldiers Per Gallon

c-print, manipulated transparency film image.

American, born 1952, Torrance, CA. Lives and works, Petaluma, CA. Mostly self-taught. Working only with traditional transparency film or print film in 35mm and 645 formats. The finished photograph is the unmanipulated film image. Regularly exhibits work throughout the US and abroad. Reviewers and jurors have noted the work as suggestive of Hiroshi Sugimoto and color field painting.

Awards The 12th Pollux Awards, international juried group exhibition, juried by Philip Brookman, Consulting Curator of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. Series winner of the Landscape and Seascape category: Agriculture Series - Agricultural Fields. 2018.

International Color Awards, 11th Annual International competition, international juried group exhibition, various jurors, Nominee. 2018.

Gallery 110, mixed media juried group exhibition, juried by Melissa Feldman, independent curator and faculty at Seattle’s Cornish College of the Arts, the California College of Art, the San Francisco Art Institute and Goldsmith’s College in London, Seattle, WA. Juror award: Field #12. 2016.