/ 2009 / Book (series Only) / Other_B

Vintage Las Vegas Signs

Retired vintage Las Vegas signs in hibernation

A Native Texan with UK/European roots, I grew up in a creative household environment as I was raised by an award winning journalist and an artist. My interest in photography began at an early age when I inherited a plastic Kodak camera. Today I shoot primarily in full frame digital SLR, occasionally in medium format film using an old rangefinder camera. I see the camera as a tool to express creativity, convey a message or story, record history and create artistic images which are pleasing to the eye. With a degree in Advertising Art, I continue to be involved in higher education having served on advisory and portfolio review boards. I have managed photography studios, wet and digital photo labs as well as serving apprenticeships under fashion and commercial photographers. My work has been published in magazines, received awards in juried competitions and has been exhibited in several museums, galleries, FotoFest, Houston City Hall, Freeman Memorial Library, Fleishman-Hillard Public Relations firm as well as private and several permanent museum collections. I'm currently a member of IAAP: International Association Of Architectural Photographers.