Curator Selection / 2024 / /

Generations - What We Learn

  • Photographer
    Pamela Hanlan, United States
  • Category
  • Instagram

What do we learn from deceptions and mistakes of the past? I think of the generations before us,the roots of our ancestorial trees that were interrupted by war, death, tragedy, etc. I think of the generations started because of war's end. Couples lived for the day because they knew that tomorrow is never certain, as many today know too well. I also think of the generations to come. What will they learn and begin? These images are of myself and friends. We all have stories to tell,the past to learn from. Generational trauma, cancer genes. Some memories happily recalled some best forgotten.

It has taken me a while to consider myself a photographer. In my lifetime I have been daughter, sister, wife, mother, empty nester, grandmother, great grandmother, widow and partner. Never in those years was I a photographer. Frankly except for family memories, I didn't have time. Some might and have said that that I am stubborn. I prefer determined. I have also been described as quirky, but only by those who say they love me. I have always seen stories in the world around me but without a camera didn't have a way to tell these stories. Now that I have a camera, the stories are being told

Awards Two Bronze Awards in Rise Awards, finalist and honorable mentions in Urban Photography Awards, Honorable Mentions in 2020 and 2021 International Photo Awards, two honorable mentions in Worldwide Photography Gala Awards, Honorable mentions in Budapest International Foto Awards, Honorable mentions and 3rd place in amateur portrait awards in Monochrome Photo Awards, Short listed Siena Creative Awards, Ist place self portrait in 16th Pollux Awards, Merit Award Fotonostrum Portrait Awards, overall amateur winner Julia Margaret Cameron Awards 2021, second place product, IPA, non professional, hon. mentions and editor's choices IPA, curatorial choice PX3 State of the World, Silver Budapest Awards, official selection London International Creative, published FotoNostrum Magazine.