Curator Selection / 2024 / /

Woman Rising: Sex Trafficking in America

Woman Rising is a documentary that exposes the dark reality of sex and human trafficking in America, and the hope for change that lies within the courage and resilience of survivors. The project follows the journey of Cary Stuart, a young woman from Maine who was trafficked for years, and who managed to break free and rebuild her life with the help of a dedicated network of supporters. Through Cary’s personal testimony and interviews with experts, advocates, and law enforcement, the project reveals the prevalence and complexity of modern-day slavery, and the urgent need for more awareness,

Matilde Simas, a first-generation Azorean-American visual storyteller, dedicates her artistic endeavors to social narratives and personal stories. Matilde engages in collaborative projects that empower individuals to co-create their narratives and shape their representation. Her accolades and collaborations with NGOs around the globe underscore her commitment to using visual art as a powerful tool for social activism. Notably, her evocative images find a place in the U.S. Trafficking in Persons Report and Kenyan Directory of Service Providers for Trafficking Persons.