Curator Selection / 2023 / /


This is an unrivaled time in history.
Mega loneliness and consumption are at the forefront of our experience. We are asked to put mega trust into the banking system while mega fires destroy our homes. We experience mega music with the assistance of technology while massive lies all around us create a seemingly insurmountable mega separation.
These visual stories were partially created with AI which in itself is a representation of the state of our world.
May these stories then serve as a way to truly listen to and look into the photograph in order to find the way from the eyes to the heart.

I follow the stories of the human experience, lately through AI-assisted imagery. Growing up in Germany and relocating to the United States as an adult, has guided my search for the inner and outer human journey. Being a Violinist, Mother, Spiritual Psychologist, and Photographer has established a framework for my life to find and follow my inner pull of invisible magnitude into different cultures, families, languages, and art forms. I am forever the student.

Awards Exhibit 'Convergence' Musician's Union Local 47, Los Angeles, CA. Exhibit 'Flowers.Music.Dots' San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
Honorable Mention Photography Masters Cup "Americana' for 'Soda Machine'. Multiple Nominations for best Black and White Image as well as Color Image in 'Architecture' and 'Abstract' in multiple Competitions.