Curator Selection / 2022 / /

Green blood

A green hemorrhage runs through the land of the Baka pygmies in the equatorial jungles of eastern Cameroon. You don't fully imagine the magnitude of the catastrophe until you come across countless trailers loaded with gigantic moabi logs

For thousands of years Baka pygmies have lived in harmony with jungles but the Baka culture has collapsed due to masif deforestation and industrial interests. Within a generation many of their unique traditional lifestyle will be gone forever. Their loss would mean an unacceptable loss of knowledge and biodiversity.

Born in Ubeda, Spain and doctorate in Veterinary medicine. I am currently involved in official control in public health, focus on the interaction between human and animal health

Photography is part of my conception of enjoyment and I live it passionately. Mainly it is a photograph framed in the photo essay. I look at the world, not only to testify what I see, but mainly, to express a personal perspective, a point of view, an interpretation and not just a representation. My subjects are very varied being travel photography a common link in all my work. The camera has become an inseparable comp

Awards My photographic work has been recognised in a series of national and international competitions, the last ones have been, second portfolio winner HIPA 2021, finalist in the Siena International Photo awards, overall winner TPOTY 2019 Highly commended portfolio in Travel Photographer of the Year, TPOTY 2017, PX3 Le prix de la photographie de Paris, Tokio international Foto Award, Alliance Francaise, National Geographic, Medicos del Mundo, Afocer, Asisa, Certamen Internacional del Medio Ambiente de Colmenar Viejo, PHotoEspaña 2012, Emirate Photographic Competition, Concurso Iberoamericano de fotografía documental, Caminos de Hierro, El Placer de Leer, Canson Infinity...

My work has been exhibited in France, Londres, París, Berlin, New Delhi, Agra, Colombia, PhotoEspaña, Malaga, Cordoba, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Granada, Jaén, Toledo, Ubeda, Madrid ...