Curator Selection / 2014 / /

Black Mood


Black Mood is that condition of intimate alienation that prevents
us from relating with the world.

Where self-pity is the shround we wear and the food we offer to
our soul.

Technical specifications

Each set is a different diorama made with paper by the author
himself, then is shooted with a polaroid camera - polaroid sx-70
- and instant film - Impossible project color film. For this reason
each photo is a unique piece. After that the photo comes out from
the camera, the author destroys the diorama to emphasize the
uniqueness and the unrepeatability of the photo.

Call me polaroider

Some years ago — never mind how long precisely having little or no pixel in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on CCD o CMOS sensors, I thought I would dedicate myself to the integral films and see the instantaneous part of the world.

It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation.

So whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; I account it high time to photograph as soon as I can.