Curator Selection / 2014 / /

The chairs

  • Prize
  • Photographer
    Horia Manolache, United States
  • Studio
    Horia Manolache
  • Website

This project started last year, back then, a Magnum photographer
from San Francisco, Alessandra Sanguinetti, sent me to document
a place and to make a portrait with the owner of that place. There
I saw a chair and I imagined a story for it, what if this was a
human being, how it would look like? This series is the result of
many details brought together in order to convey what I imagined.
I tried to give little clues, some obvious, some subtle. I enjoyed
making this project and I'm very grateful to the people that helped
me to take the project to the current form.

After two years of going to a technical university I decided to drop it and to find something else to do, something to engage my imagination and to make me feel free. I had a sabbatic year in which I rediscovered my bending to image in general so I started to photograph as I felt the need to express myself and to show the world who I am. Meanwhile I did an one year photography course, I graduated a film school in Romania as a film director and now I am enrolled in a MFA program at Academy of Art University from San Francisco.