Country Pick / 2021 / /


We are afraid. We wear masks and gloves, we hold on to our antiseptic gels and wipes, we wash our hands, we wipe and wash our groceries, we talk to our neighbors from a safe distance, we stay away from loved ones, we say to each other “hang on, it will pass”. We comply with all the restrictions of our freedom; we welcome our democracy being shuttered – even temporarily – for the greater good. Still, we are afraid.

Photography is my way of communicating thoughts, feelings and concepts that are impossible to express in a different way. I aim to create pictures that take the viewer to an imaginary world, a different kind of reality. Behind each image, there is a whole process, from the forming of the idea until its realization.

Inspiration can come from anywhere: a song, a story, a conversation I heard on the street, an everyday scene or anything that may arouse my interest. Just a single word can lead to a whole story, which I then impress onto an image.

Awards 1st place, “The old han, a live space” contest, Photography Center of Thessaloniki/Bensousan Han/Lavart, 2018

2nd place, IEK ESP contest, 2017

Selection at the Portfolio contest, Photometria Festival, Ioannina, 2015

Special Selection, Contest about chocolate, Center of Photography-Thessaloniki, 2014

Honourable mention, 46th Coloured Digital Photography contest, Hellenic Photographic Society, 2014